Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with Crew Connection

beach scene | Crew Connection

Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with Crew Connection

Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with Crew Connection 760 350 Crew Connection

Your flight is booked, your bags are packed, and your calendar only has one meeting on it—you plus a margarita, on the beach, pronto. But there’s still that nagging feeling that you forgot something. Did you remember to update your CrewCloud notification settings (read more about those here!) so that your projects and clients don’t fall through the cracks while you’re stretched out in the sun?

Just like you would add an out of office message to your work email to let clients know you’re unavailable, you should update your CrewCloud profile so that clients aren’t left assuming that you simply aren’t interested in working with them.

Don’t ruin your vacation by coming back to a bunch of neglected projects and upset clients! Even if you’re taking a few days off work, it doesn’t mean your clients are. It only takes a second to set up CrewCloud to make sure you don’t ruin your chances of working with them later on.

There are several options for setting up CrewCloud to handle your notifications while you’re gone. Our recommendation is logging into your My Account page and visiting the Notifications tab under Crew Account Details.

Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with CrewCloud

Update the Email and Text Messages fields to ensure that someone who’s in the office gets your notifications while you’re away. Remember that your dedicated crew coordinator is always available to help if you need to pass off your notifications to someone who isn’t familiar with CrewCloud. If you choose this solution, make sure the point of contact you’ve assigned has your CrewCloud sign in info! 

Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with CrewCloud

If you’re going to be unavailable longer than a few days or don’t have anyone to pass off your notifications to, we have another option for you!

On your My Account page, just uncheck the box next to Profile Visibility. This means that you won’t show up in client searches and they won’t be able to contact you while you’re “invisible.”

Enjoy Your Vacation Guilt Free with CrewCloud

And even if you aren’t going on vacation, now is a good time to double-check that your Profile Visibility is set appropriately to ensure you’re getting contacted when you want.  

Want clients to be able to contact you but don’t have anyone else to hold down the fort while you’re unavailable? Just contact your personal crew coordinator and they’ll reroute your messages to come straight to their inbox and respond on your behalf. Never miss another client request just because you happened to be working in a remote location on the day they sent it.

The CrewCloud team carefully created notifications to fit your needs and your lifestyle—whether you’re on maternity leave, vacation, or just shooting in a remote location. If you need a refresher on how to initially get your notifications set up, read our quick how-to guide here.

Not signed up for CrewCloud? What are you waiting for—sign up for free today! Check out our full tips and tricks series here to learn how you can free up even more time with CrewCloud notifications.