Post production ideas to stay profitable

Post production ideas to stay profitable

Post production ideas to stay profitable 2560 1707 Alicia East

No matter what industry you are in, COVID-19 has created a new normal. It’s up to us as creatives to continue to earn that moniker in a whole new way! 

How do we adjust our habits to adapt to this new reality? 

One of our biggest advantages as video professionals is that we are on the forefront of technology.

Many of your clients are asking themselves how to do a video conference, a live Zoom feed, or quality video production fed to Facebook. Chances are, you have that expertise as a media professional already. Still, the recent shift has us all on our heels, wondering how we will make up for cancelled shoots, lost content, and rescheduled events.

Enter post-production services 

Many editors have been living a “Shelter In Place” lifestyle since Grey’s Anatomy premiered. These types of editors and artists work from home, work efficiently, and can execute your vision in the same way a DP might light an interview. They are more than ready to handle anything we can give them as we get creative with new content, post production, animation, graphic design, and motion graphics. 

Changing times call for a shift in creative vision. 

A canceled shoot doesnt mean the content can’t be created, it means it must be created in a different way. It’s time to turn your in-person testimonial into an infographic, and your instructor tutorial into a walk-through animation. Ask your editor: “How can this project be visually represented in a different way?” Motion graphics editors, graphic designers, and animators build their careers on solving such challenges. 

In short, you don’t have to default to halting all jobs in process. Consider creative solutions to offer your clients and salvage your contracts (and income!). 

Rethink old projects 

While you’re spending extra time at home, dig up old projects that never hit the edit. Remaster an old, successful piece of content that could use a refresh. The world of post-production is what brings your vision to life and is a way you can continue projects regardless of community lockdowns. 

Bottom line 

You’re creative. You’re scrappy. And you can continue to provide content to the masses by reaching out to those artists who can execute your vision right from their sheltered-in-place offices. There’s a reason necessity is the mother of invention. You may surprise yourself with the creative solutions you come up with.  

Whether you’re looking to hire someone or get hired for post production, we can help. Book services or sign up to be a part of our online database. If you’re already one of our crews, now is a great time to update your profile to highlight your post production services.